Farewell and good luck Chris!
minute read
August 31, 2023

It’s with both gratitude and sadness that we say goodbye to Deputy Director of Education Chris Williams, who has been a part of the archdiocesan team for an impressive 15 years.


We caught up with Chris for a quick chat about his time at the archdiocese, and what he’ll takeaway to his new role working with another multi-academy trust.

What was your role when you started at the archdiocese, and how has it changed over time?

"When I was first appointed, it was to the role of senior buildings and development officer.  That post was very much about maximising the investment into archdiocese school buildings and managing the relationships between central government, local government, and our schools. 

"My role has changed significantly over the years, and I have been fortunate enough to work for an organisation that has encouraged me to take on new tasks and responsibilities, as the national context and therefore the needs of our schools have changed significantly. 

"Education is ever-changing and therefore we need to support our schools within that context of continued development."

How has the archdiocese changed during your time here?

"Inevitably, things change over time, and that is the nature of life.  However, the constant throughout my time here has been the opportunity to work with a team of dedicated and supportive colleagues.  I have been incredibly fortunate to have benefited from the leadership of four excellent directors over my time and to work alongside a team of outstandingly professional, talented, hard-working colleagues." 

What's your favourite thing about working with schools?

"I often remark that it is a pleasure and a privilege to work with our schools and I will always maintain that view. The joy, energy, gifts, and love shown by the children in our schools, combined with the service, care, skills, dedication, and sheer hard work of staff make our schools the warm, caring, aspirational and deeply Christian places that they are.

"Walking into one of our schools is in itself an uplifting experience and the feeling that anything is possible is something to be cherished.  I love the fact that our schools are grounded in their parish communities and help the Church to reach into the lives of so many children and their families.  I will really miss the schools!"

Looking back, what are your highlights from working here? What will you remember the most?

"There are too many highlights to list, but it is always particularly rewarding to be invited to share with schools particular moments in time for their school and parish: pupils moving on to the next stage in their education or other chapters in their lives; celebrating long-serving leaders, staff, and governors; the appointment of new leaders and staff starting out on the next stage of their careers; schools being beacons of light for their communities in times of challenge or tragedy; new buildings or the implementation of new aspects of school provision; planning together to make sure that our schools are enabled to continue to serve their communities in the future. 

"I’ll remember the people and the very many characters that have graced the floors of the offices in Liverpool, past and present. 

"And, of course, being attacked by a seagull!"

What's next for you?

"I will be taking up a new post at a multi-academy trust and am looking forward to establishing new relationships with a new group of church schools.  I will always remember my time at the Archdiocese of Liverpool with happiness and look forward to hearing of the many future achievements in schools across the archdiocese; I know that they will be well supported."

All of us in the archdiocese wish you all the best for the future. Thank you for your hard work for these past 15 years – you will be missed!